There are some changes in the language regarding provisions governing reimbursable expenses for nursing assistant training and competency evaluations. Please click the following link to view the entire bill. HF 1400 legislature 2017-2018 Note: The State will have the bill available without the strikeout language at the end of September
1. First Change: Reimbursement for tuition, test out fee, and book fee
The new language in the 2017 legislature now makes adult training programs eligible to receive reimbursement for CNA expenses . This includes the hard costs of tuition, books, test out fee and transportation expenses. Prior to this change only the individual or the facility that paid for the training could receive reimbursement from the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS). This is paid out through the employer/nursing facility. This applies if the CNA is employed successfully for 90 days at a nursing facility.
This bill defines that adult training program as an entity receiving state or federal funding. If this entity pays for the CNA training costs, they may receive direct reimbursement from the nursing facility.
This opens up the door for our career partnership group or an actual ABE program to become eligible for the reimbursement of tuition, books and test out fees.
Guidance given from DHS on this change
2. Second Change: Reimbursement for ABE support services
In addition, this change in language allows an ABE program that supports the individual in their training to receive up to 30% of the hard costs from DHS/nursing home for their services if the CNA is employed successfully for 90 days at a nursing facility.
Guidance given from DHS on this change plus a form that can be used to submit expenses.
**Remember in both occurrences, in order for the adult training entity or ABE program to be reimbursed, the CNA must be employed successfully for 90 days at a nursing facility.
Let's create a scenario to help you understand how this piece of legislation works...
This scenario puts the costs that our program would incur if we support a CNA training and the return we would see on this investment.
ABE Investment
**For the purposes of these figures the costs would be incurred for a full class of 15 students. Actual costs will vary dependent on the number of students in a class as input costs of tuition are the same for a full class or a half full class.
**New CNA Books cost $50 each. We buy a set and then reuse them for the next class. We charge students $20 for the book and then reimburse the fee to them when they return it. The initial cost for books would be 15 X $50 = $750
Monetary Return on Investment from the Minnesota Department of Education

CNA college class is 80 hours minimum and since our program purchases these services we submit all hours for student contact hour reimbursement.

Skills Book

Monetary Return on Investment from DHS/Nursing Home

Each student that is employed for 90 days at a nursing facility will qualify for the following reimbursement from DHS (the care facility is the vehicle who gives the money to your program):
Tuition + Books + Test out fee = $837
ABE reimbursement = $251
Totaling $1,088 for each student
Human Capital Return on Investments
Students gain self-confidence
Continue their education and become LPN or RN
Students become role models for their family, friends and peers.